Thursday, July 28, 2011


I deliberated a long time for what to get Dax for his third birthday. Seriously, the boys already have everything, and the one thing I wanted to get for Dax was an expensive little computer that he would probably throw down the stairs and break… But we bit the bullet and got him the iPad 2 anyway. Ordered it the first morning it was released.

Best. Purchase. Ever.

Dax and Ty both took to it immediately. Colors, numbers, letters, videos, matching, fine motor, verbalizations, turn-taking, role playing…. What an amazing therapy resource in a tiny little package. We put on a screen protector and a protective case, and my friend Karen made an awesome bag for him to carry it in. Other than a scratch here and a scratch there, the iPad has escaped mostly unscathed… Even when thrown down the stairs or over the baby gate onto the kitchen floor.

Turns out even iPads have limits, though. Like being run over. Who knew.

The iPad was accidentally left on the roof of the car on Tuesday, and when we found it on the highway three hours later it was officially and undeniably dead. There are NO apps for that.

Ouch, my pocketbook.

Took it to The Apple Store today to see what could be done…

And they GAVE us a new one. 

As in, here you go, it's free. 

Holy crap.

Apparently they have a one-time whoopsy-daisy policy for replacing iPads that are broken by accidents… Like when they become road kill.

Thank you, Apple, for the amazing product and the outstanding customer service. You’ve just made me an Apple customer for life.

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